
The motorway known as the Pyhrn corridor connects Linz / Wels (junction Voralpenkreuz, Austria) with Graz (AT) and Maribor (SI) and is thus an important link for transit and holiday traffic crossing the Alps in the north-south direction. The Austrians section of the corridor consists of the A9 motorway, and the Slovenian section of the A1 motorway Štajersko-primorska avtocesta.


Competent authority: Federal ministry for traffic, innovation and technology (bmvit)
Road maintenance: Autobahnen- und Schnellstraßen-Finanzierungs-AG (ASFINAG)

ASFINAG Service-Center:
0800 400 12 400 (toll-free from AT, DE, CH)
+43 (0)1 955 12 66 (calls from all other countries are charged)


Competent authority: Ministry of infrastructure and spatial planning (MZIP)

Road maintenance: Motorway Company in the Republic of Slovenia (DARS)

Service Centre: PIC traffic information centre for public roads ( tel.1970)

Route information

  • Distance from the junction Voralpenkreuz (AT) to Maribor, junction A1/A5 (SI): 242 km
  • Austria:Distance from the junction Voralpenkreuz to AT/SI border: 230 km
  • Slovenia: Distance from AT/SI border to Maribor, junction A1/A5 (SI): 12 km


  • Number of tunnels: 30
  • Total tunnel length: ca. 47.3 km
  • Longest tunnel: Plabutsch tunnel, 10,086 m
  • Number of bridges: 502
  • Total length of bridges: ca. 39.1 km
  • Longest bridge: Moorbrücke Edlach, 1,493 m
  • Maximum gradient (ascending / descending): 4 %

Main tunnels:


Plabutsch tunnel

Bosruck tunnel

Gleinalm tunnel


10,086 m

5,509 m

8,431 m

Tunnel bores



Lanes per carriageway


1 (Two-way traffic)

1 (Two-way traffic)

*) The 2 nd bore of the Bosruck tunnel is currently under construction and scheduled to be opened for traffic on 1 June 2012

Plabutsch tunnel, A9 Phyrn motorway
Plabutsch tunnel, A9 Phyrn motorway

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