The motorway referred to as the South Corridor connects Graz (AT) with Klagenfurt (AT) and Osoppo Udine (IT) and constitutes a major route for transit and holiday traffic crossing the Alps from the east to the south. The route consists of the A2 Süd motorway on the Austrian side, and the A23 Autostrada Alpe-Adria on the Italian side.
Austria: |
Competent authority: | Federal ministry for traffic, innovation and technology (bmvit) |
Road maintenance: | Autobahnen- und Schnellstraßen-Finanzierungs-AG (ASFINAG |
ASFINAG Service-Center: | 0800 400 12 400 (toll-free from AT, DE, CH) |
Italy: |
Autostrade per l'Italia S.p.A.: | |
CCISS: | Centro Coordinamento delle Informazioni sul traffico, |
Distance from junction Graz West (AT) – Osoppo Udine (IT): | 259 km |
Austria, Distance from the junction Graz West to the AT/IT border: | 184 km |
Italy, Distance from the AT/IT border to Osoppo Udine (IT): | 75 km |
| |
Austira: | |
Number of tunnels: | 21 |
Total length of tunnels: | ca. 18.1 km |
Longest tunnel, Ehrentalerberg tunnel: | 3,345 m |
| |
Number of bridges: | 391 |
Total length of bridges: | ca. 45.0 km |
Longest bridge, Saag suspension bridge: | 1,612 m |
| |
Maximum gradient (ascending / descending): | 5 % |
| Ehrentalerberg tunnel | Gräbern tunnel | Herzogberg tunnel |
Length | 3.345 m | 2.145 m | 2.007 m |
Tunnel bores | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Lanes per carriageway
| 2 | 2 | 2 |